07880 634088 info@hrbtherapies.co.uk
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Hilary Bell FG-MLD is a member of MLD UK. She has undertaken training in Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Lymphoedema Management for Manual Therapists and Advanced Lymphoedema Management for Manual Therapists which includes compression bandaging.
A gentle non-invasive therapy involving light, rhythmic and pumping hand movements to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow and stimulate the lymphatic system. Manual lymphatic drainage encourages lymph to drain out of the affected area and into an area that drains normally.
Helpful for alleviating many conditions including:
- lymphoedema
- post operative swelling
- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or constipation
- facial swelling, puffy eyes, sinusitis, nasal congestion
- swollen legs or ankles, such as during pregnancy
- post plastic surgery (speeding up healing)
- stress reduction, calms the central nervous system
At HRB Therapies MLD can also be combined when needed with scar therapy, oncology treatments or sports therapy to provide the best possible care.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage differs from lymphatic drainage massage. You can be assured that members on the MLDUK register have qualifications recognised by surgeons, GPs and other health professionals.